8 FREE weeks of NRT
(patches, gum or lozenges)
                ..... .

3 months of Chantix
at a $25.00 co-pay per month
                ...... .

3 months of bupropion
at a $5.00 co-pay per month

For more Information go to:

P.O. BOX 201
HYSHAM, MT 59038

E-mail   Office (406) 342-5886   Fax (406) 342-5951

The Montana Tobacco Quit Line is now offering combination Nicotine Replacement Therapy for callers who are ready to work on quitting tobacco and may need extra help combating cravings during the initial quitting period.  Two weeks of free short acting nicotine products, the nicotine gum and lozenge, are now available to augment the use of the nicotine patch or the prescription medication bupropion to provide extra help in overcoming cravings and withdrawal symptoms.  
When people call the Montana Tobacco Quit Line, the Quit Coaches will discuss these options and if combination therapy is appropriate.  They will provide education to make sure the individual understands how to effectively use these short acting nicotine products in combination with other forms of medications. 

QuitLine Expands (NRT's)
Nicotine Replacement Therapy Options

  Cessation for Smokeless Tobacco

   QuitLine: 1-800-784-8669

  My Last Dip


  Kill the Can

  Why Quit

  Worlds Greatest Chew

  Jake's Mint Chew

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information or any linked information presented, referenced, or implied. All critical information should be independently verified. Any questions should be directed to the administrators of this or any other   
specific sites.

Chantix is now at
a reduced cost of
$25.00 co-pay/month
for up to 3 months.

For more information go to:

Tobacco Free Montana

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